You Should Be Death for Halloween |
![]() According to our quiz, you'd make an ideal death. Your runner up costume: Ghost |
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'm a Death for Halloween
Monday, August 18, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
I Am A Surrealist!
You Are Surrealism |
![]() Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own. It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy. You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society. You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world. |
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
You've Been a Little Ruined by American Culture...
You've Been a Little Ruined by American Culture |
![]() Whether you live in the US or not, deep down you're a little American. And there's nothing wrong with loving American culture, but it may have negative effects on your life. Slow down and enjoy what you have. Reconnect with life's simple pleasures. You don't need to be in a consumerist rat race. Life's too short to overwork yourself! |
Nothing Strange...
You Are 72% Open Minded |
![]() You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded. Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints. But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line. You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself. |
Woah! I'll Never Think About Me The Way!
You Are 76% American |
![]() You're as American as red meat and shooting ranges. Tough and independent, you think big. You love everything about the US, wrong or right. And anyone who criticizes your home better not do it in front of you! |
I'm Austin! It's Zany!
You Are Austin |
![]() A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll. You're totally weird and very proud of it. Artistic and freaky, you still seem to fit in... in your own strange way. Famous Austin residents: Lance Armstrong, Sandra Bullock, Andy Roddick |
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Iron Maiden Plays Evil Music!
Today I've laughed my head off ! I was riding in the line bus, and near to me whether the priest whether the monk sat, and Iron Maiden vocalist was "howling" in my walkman, so the dude crossed himself on each refrain of the songs ...
evil music,
Iron Maiden,
priest or monk
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I Visited Ken Vandermark Quartet Concert In Zaporizhzhia!
Improvisation is a thing !!!
Impressions - it is just super, the first part was in style Noise but without any electronic gadgets. In the first part of a concert the quartet shared on duets. In the beginning, a duet, Americans Ken Vandermark and Tim Daisy played, and then two ukrainians Yuri Yaremchuk and Mark Tokar played. Telling the truth, the American duet was liked by public much more. Masterly Ken and energetic Тim looked better on the stage and it seed that they even played better than our compatriots.
In the second part all quartet was on the stage ! It was a real thing! The tremendous mix of a soft lyrical jazz and elements of a blues left nobody indifferent! Musicians were encored , and grateful public shouted Thank you Ken!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Yesterday Was On A Cemetery...
I had such impression as if was in a museum, or even in archive of a museum, these gravestones are similar to archival affairs, in them anything is not present except of legends, a cock-and-bull story, conjectures which, however, are based on the real facts... Here, for example, it is written, that that deadman was an officer, and that was an engineer that's all... You must think, imagine, how he could die and was he a kind person. It's interestingly and terribly.
Cementary visit,
Feelings at the cementary
Friday, April 25, 2008
Czego pan sobie zyczy? Dziekuje, nic nie zycze.
I have some sort of total apathy... I want to do nothing... Verses are not being written, music is not being played, a picture are not being drawn, photos are not being made... Hem-m-m-m!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
They Are Right! Ha!
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
![]() You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly. You are also good at remembering information and convincing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary. You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
Examinations! I'm studying only! Yesterday I read some interesting articles on sectology and invented a joke. Logic of the sectarian: each sectarian should make plenty of Kinder, buy a Kuehe, and establish a Kirche.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Our Life Is A Theatre...
Everything is very strange … Sometimes it seems to me, that I disappear completely , I become the extraneous observer, the spectator if you wish … Yes, William Shakespeare was right saying: « Our life is a theatre. » But are all of us actors? Or are we theatre set?
Our life is a theatre,
William Shakespeare
Rude, Stupid, Funny Baptist Massage For Goths.
Dear Loser,
Welcome to the The Official Website of the 'Parents Against Goth' Organisation. A Peaceful Christian Organisation set-up to warn Parents and Children about the dangers of getting involved in the sinister and violent Gothic subculture. This website is the result of 10 long years of painstaking research and investigation into teen Satanism, Self-harming, Wicca, and the twisted and disturbing world of Goth.
This is an exciting time for all at PAG, This year marks our tenth anniversary, and what better way to celebrate a decade of speaking out against Satanism, helping children escape from Cults, lecturing in schools and Churches about the dangers of teen satanic culture, heavy metal, Wicca and Goth, than by firmly establishing our online presence.
But before you go any further, let's just clear up a few misconceptions you may have about what you really are -
So let's be straight here. Goths are the lowest form of human trash that has ever crawled upon this good clean earth. 'Garbage people' I call them, and I can assure you that is what they are. Freaks who worship the Devil, who take drugs and molest children, who have pre-marrital sex, who whore themselves, who are obsessed with Vampirism, and abuse handicapped kids, who promote cross-dressing and underaged homosexuality, who behave like wild violent animals that need to be put down, who cut themselves and try to get others to self harm, degrade themselves and attempt suicide and think it is acceptable behaviour. I rate them as detestable as those worthless cerebal palsy retarded creatures they plant at the entrance to Walmart, to welcome shoppers.
"Duuu... welllcuummm... too... wullmart... Duuuuu...".
Because let's face facts here, they are equally as pathetic and repulsive.
See, we are at war here. War against the Hell that Earth is becoming. Crack addicted children on the streets, the whores, vampires, Goths, the mentally handicapped, retarded demons with spina bifida and cerebal palsy, mongeloids that behave like wild animals that are prone to sexually gratifying themselves in public, pathetic excuses for humans with brains like dogs, and homosexuals. What kind of a world is this ? That fags can marry and spread their disease ridden seed ? That is why send Aids to cure their kind. Why even now God is preparing for war. Why he sent the Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and why he will send many many more atrocities upon this pathetic World. Because we have turned from him, and like a good father he will scold us for it.
God is angry with us. Furious that we let open Satanists walk freely among us when the Bible teaches we should be burning them, and we WILL be punished for disobeying our God. He will send calamity after calamity upon you heathens, and he will mock you when you die. Halleluja!
These are signs that the end is near, my friends. Just look at the state of our World, that we are over-run with satanic pieces of trash like you. But make no mistake, we will fight this evil head-on by any means at our disposal, with the direct blessing of God himself. Our God, who drowned the wicked world in the great flood, and spared but one man who was worthy. Our God, who cleansed the cities at Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from the skies, wiping out fags and adulterers and idolators. We are all ready and willing to die for our God. I find it quite pathetic that you are all so blind.
Goths in my opinion are more dangerous to Children than pedophiles, and need serious psychiatric help. The sooner Goths realise what they have is nothing short of mental illness, the better for everyone concerned.
What we can offer you here is ten year of experience in educating young people, such as yourself, about the dangers of the Gothic subculture, and the role that heavy satanic music plays in destroying lives (and brain-cells).
If you want to go on being lead around by your nose-rings, then ignore the message of salvation this website offers you. If you want to seek repentance and a new lease of life, that only Jesus Christ can offer you, now is your chance for recovery.
I hope you will find much comfort in the message of hope and inspiration our website offers.
Rev RG Green.
Dear Loser,
Welcome to the The Official Website of the 'Parents Against Goth' Organisation. A Peaceful Christian Organisation set-up to warn Parents and Children about the dangers of getting involved in the sinister and violent Gothic subculture. This website is the result of 10 long years of painstaking research and investigation into teen Satanism, Self-harming, Wicca, and the twisted and disturbing world of Goth.
This is an exciting time for all at PAG, This year marks our tenth anniversary, and what better way to celebrate a decade of speaking out against Satanism, helping children escape from Cults, lecturing in schools and Churches about the dangers of teen satanic culture, heavy metal, Wicca and Goth, than by firmly establishing our online presence.
But before you go any further, let's just clear up a few misconceptions you may have about what you really are -
So let's be straight here. Goths are the lowest form of human trash that has ever crawled upon this good clean earth. 'Garbage people' I call them, and I can assure you that is what they are. Freaks who worship the Devil, who take drugs and molest children, who have pre-marrital sex, who whore themselves, who are obsessed with Vampirism, and abuse handicapped kids, who promote cross-dressing and underaged homosexuality, who behave like wild violent animals that need to be put down, who cut themselves and try to get others to self harm, degrade themselves and attempt suicide and think it is acceptable behaviour. I rate them as detestable as those worthless cerebal palsy retarded creatures they plant at the entrance to Walmart, to welcome shoppers.
"Duuu... welllcuummm... too... wullmart... Duuuuu...".
Because let's face facts here, they are equally as pathetic and repulsive.
See, we are at war here. War against the Hell that Earth is becoming. Crack addicted children on the streets, the whores, vampires, Goths, the mentally handicapped, retarded demons with spina bifida and cerebal palsy, mongeloids that behave like wild animals that are prone to sexually gratifying themselves in public, pathetic excuses for humans with brains like dogs, and homosexuals. What kind of a world is this ? That fags can marry and spread their disease ridden seed ? That is why send Aids to cure their kind. Why even now God is preparing for war. Why he sent the Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and why he will send many many more atrocities upon this pathetic World. Because we have turned from him, and like a good father he will scold us for it.
God is angry with us. Furious that we let open Satanists walk freely among us when the Bible teaches we should be burning them, and we WILL be punished for disobeying our God. He will send calamity after calamity upon you heathens, and he will mock you when you die. Halleluja!
These are signs that the end is near, my friends. Just look at the state of our World, that we are over-run with satanic pieces of trash like you. But make no mistake, we will fight this evil head-on by any means at our disposal, with the direct blessing of God himself. Our God, who drowned the wicked world in the great flood, and spared but one man who was worthy. Our God, who cleansed the cities at Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from the skies, wiping out fags and adulterers and idolators. We are all ready and willing to die for our God. I find it quite pathetic that you are all so blind.
Goths in my opinion are more dangerous to Children than pedophiles, and need serious psychiatric help. The sooner Goths realise what they have is nothing short of mental illness, the better for everyone concerned.
What we can offer you here is ten year of experience in educating young people, such as yourself, about the dangers of the Gothic subculture, and the role that heavy satanic music plays in destroying lives (and brain-cells).
If you want to go on being lead around by your nose-rings, then ignore the message of salvation this website offers you. If you want to seek repentance and a new lease of life, that only Jesus Christ can offer you, now is your chance for recovery.
I hope you will find much comfort in the message of hope and inspiration our website offers.
Rev RG Green.
funny baptist massage for Goths,
Rev RG Green,
Monday, March 10, 2008
Not A Sociopath, But Very Prone To Antisocial Behavior.
I know that and try to prevent any antisocial behavior from my side.
You Are 56% Sociopath |
![]() You're not a sociopath, but you're very prone to antisocial behavior. Other people's opinions matter little to you. You live your own fringe life - for better or worse. |
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Well, 8th And 9th Of March Have Passed In A Choco Wine Cognac Mood
Well, 8th and 9th of March have passed in a choco-wine-cognac mood. Everything is fine except of having short of money. But this problem is out of importance.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Science- s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s...
Science is the most out-of-the-way thing in the world. Probably, only in it it's possible to combine asininity and innovation in a theory. Hм... Well, what can I say more?
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tired... I am just tired... I am tired and nothing else... Emptiness... Outside, inside emptiness is everywhere...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Overabundance Of Work...
The overabundance of work causes a heavy syndrome of long-term laziness... It has been proved today, as ,however, on the previous days off...
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Kommt Guten Rat über Nacht?
It's hard to explain for me but I work much better in evening. Well, sometimes I fail to sleep :-)!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Der ganze Kram! :-(((!
Everything is so simple! Almost each of us is a victim of trifles! The victim of the formal muck which always clamps us in the stupid frameworks of the formalism that makes us biorobots.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Merry Christmas!!! (Orthodox)
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Damn It! Am I Training For a Psychologist?
Damn it! Am I training for a psychologist? Got hooked on tests... Nope... Something is wrong with me... Sure!
Am I training for a psychologist,
Damn it
You are 100% Gothic
You are fully gothic. CONGRATULATION! You are as gothic as they get. you should be proud.
How gothic are you?
See All Our Quizzes
Telling the truth I've lied about tatoos and piercing... When I was small I tried to do the nonsense myself... The ear has healed, but the ink spot on the palm done with needle still remains ... Bosh! Not Gothic it is! A grandstand play!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
My First New Year 2008 Poem!
The New Year's vampire.
Having sucked much blood
Pleased completely
A vampire
His muzzle in the snow
Licks zonked
He doesn’t care
That around here
Even a lean aged man
Is hard to find
As soon as eyes
From red
Become hardly white
He will fly again awry
To the city
A sluggish-winged bat
(c) Cothurnatus (Vasyl Puzanov)., 2008
Having sucked much blood
Pleased completely
A vampire
His muzzle in the snow
Licks zonked
He doesn’t care
That around here
Even a lean aged man
Is hard to find
As soon as eyes
From red
Become hardly white
He will fly again awry
To the city
A sluggish-winged bat
(c) Cothurnatus (Vasyl Puzanov)., 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Super New Year!
God give you a lot of rich and happy years to live. Dereshko speaks: "Allow me to creep out, God..." Well, he has repeated that for five times and he does nothing...
Who, who likes Nicholas. Who, who serves Nicholas. Dark blue Nicholas will come. Will bring gifts, to all obedient children who meet him... Then they see off him... Then meet... Thank him for gifts or say fuck you to him... (c) Faktichno Sami.
Super cognac New Year with snowball fighting and other bullshit.
Who, who likes Nicholas. Who, who serves Nicholas. Dark blue Nicholas will come. Will bring gifts, to all obedient children who meet him... Then they see off him... Then meet... Thank him for gifts or say fuck you to him... (c) Faktichno Sami.
Super cognac New Year with snowball fighting and other bullshit.
Faktichno Sami,
Super New Year
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