It appears, that in many cases Internet Explorer acts like a real trojan or a malware program, it is being used for distribution of any sort of adware (advertising programs - viruses) and spyware (programs - spies). I quite often heard about instability and numerous mistakes, including displaying of a site, in the Internet the Explorer and I, having tested these lacks , and changed it to Opera, and then began to use Firefox. Okay, for some needs I still need IE 8. That I have seen is something, four adwares had been in IE 8, besides any antivirus couldn’t catch them and they have ceased to live only after full removal of IE 8. I don’t know, what you could think about it but, as for me, hackers have already learned to use weaknesses IE 8 in the way that it has became actually a malware or trojan program … I’m shocked … I’ve installed IE8 anew, but I will use it surfing the Internet as little as possible … It’s dangerous …