Friday, November 16, 2012

Environmental protection issue.

People always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in rural areas and did not produce such amount of polluting agents that would cause a dangerous situation in global scale. With the development of overcrowded industrial highly developed cities, which put huge amounts of pollutants into surrounds, the problem has become more and more dangerous. Acid rains, global warming, air and water pollution, and overpopulation are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Overpopulation Issue

For hundreds of thousands of years, the human population grew at a low but steadily increasing rate. Then, in less than last 200 years, the world population went from several hundreds of millions to more than 6 billion people.

The Earth has certain limitations and in particular, there are limits to growth of things that consume the Earth resources. Many people believe that these resources, both the Earth and the human intellect are endless and population growth can continue and that there is no danger that will ever run out of anything. Yet, many people had predicted catastrophic shortages of natural resources that would follow, because of continued population growth. Countries try not to raise this subject to public much, because they do not want to raise panic.

Every second five people are born and two people die, so there is a gain of three people. At this rate, the world population is doubling every 40 years and would be: 12 billions in 40 years, 24 billions in 80 years and 48 billions in 120 years. But the Earth could provide food only for 20 billions people.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Vasyl Puzanov's (Cothurnatus) Recital

On 10 august 2012 I had my hour recital with the author's poetry and prose, and a it was a presentation of bookcrossing from "Cinnamon" creative circle. The event took place in a great lounge cafe named "Cream." The event had about 30 people, but no one went away before the end and everyone was happy. My recital began with a traditional "Cinnamon" greeting and "Cinnamon" bookcrossing presentation in Zaporizhzhia from Eugene Kondratenko. Then, I performed hour program with little intermission, and Eugene Kondratenko closed the evening I asked him to read some of his works to “dilute” the abundance of my works in the evening. I read my Ukrainian, Russian and English literary works.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Euro 2012 Result

Euro 2012 has finished. What changes do we see now? Are they numerous? Unfortunately, the most of changes are strictly local and in Euro 2012 places only. But we can also see some national changes here in Ukraine. The first is no foreign soccer fans those have been here are disappointed about Ukraine. The second is authorities have revised their attitude to the stray dogs killing issue. The third is we have proved that we are much tolerant and safe country than Poland. I think the national changes are pretty impressive, aren’t they? Well, lastly, I hope that Ukrainian officials are really improving our national infrastructure and future huge events will give more incomings to the budget.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tomorrow Euro 2012 Starts.

I was sceptical about the upcoming event all the time. I had no optimism about preparations tempo and infrastructure optimization maximum reaching. Well, I admitted I wasn't right about the total progress and local officialdom enthusiasm. But what do I see now? All the improvements have been made in Euro taking cities only. Match tickets and the official Euro 2012 merch are too expensive for an average Ukrainian. Any case, I hope everything will be all right and my Motherland get more international prestige.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blog Is Not Closed

Dear English speaking friend of mine. I haven’t closed or abandoned the blog. I just have too many things to do and experience a severe lack of deep philosophic thoughts. I’m sure the period is not for evermore. So I’ll be back as soon as I jot down something worth of your attention. Don’t be angry with me. All the best, Basil.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Giant Sheatfish Lives in the Dnipro River.

From the early to mid-1990s, there were rumors of huge man-eating sheatfish those lived in the Dnipro River and dragged dogs, cattle, and even the careless children in the river pits. Well, it was something like a regular reporting about UFOs, or yeti, few took it seriously.

However, the fact that Dnipropetrovs’k fishermen contest participant from Zaporizhzhia caught a sheatfish weighing 77 kg, confirmed that giant Dnipro sheatfish exists. These sheatfish, of course, hardly could be cannibals, but the fact remains fact.

Michael Urvantsev fishes all his life. Over the past few years, he has been specializing in catching sheatfish. Untill our illustrious compatriot, caught almost a hundred kg record-breaking barbel the fisherman already had caught 30 and 40-kg fish (average sheatfish is 2-10 kg.). The fisherman had his most memorable mustachioed catch a in the autumn season last year.

Early in the morning in early September he and his assistant fished right along the lines of the Dnipro River . Bait, said the master of a fishing rod, was a traditional combination of a leech and a mole cricket. River titan appeared in the evening. Approximately one and a half of an hour took to torment and pull this mighty fish into the boat. Alas, Zaporizhzhian hasn’t won the contest, but agree it is sure a fishing success.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year's Reflection

I’ve rested fully and for a long time. Now I'm doing my business even more thoroughly and vigorously. I am full of optimism and zeal, even more clearly formulate goals and objectives. In general, all is excellent.

Prior to the 14th of January I’m working at maximum, on the 14th of January I have a little rest, then working again! Excellent! Industriousness, harmony, perseverance, orderliness, attention: all this, the important mites in general happiness.