From the early to mid-1990s, there were rumors of huge man-eating sheatfish those lived in the Dnipro River and dragged dogs, cattle, and even the careless children in the river pits. Well, it was something like a regular reporting about UFOs, or yeti, few took it seriously.
However, the fact that Dnipropetrovs’k fishermen contest participant from Zaporizhzhia caught a sheatfish weighing 77 kg, confirmed that giant Dnipro sheatfish exists. These sheatfish, of course, hardly could be cannibals, but the fact remains fact.
Michael Urvantsev fishes all his life. Over the past few years, he has been specializing in catching sheatfish. Untill our illustrious compatriot, caught almost a hundred kg record-breaking barbel the fisherman already had caught 30 and 40-kg fish (average sheatfish is 2-10 kg.). The fisherman had his most memorable mustachioed catch a in the autumn season last year.
Early in the morning in early September he and his assistant fished right along the lines of the Dnipro River . Bait, said the master of a fishing rod, was a traditional combination of a leech and a mole cricket. River titan appeared in the evening. Approximately one and a half of an hour took to torment and pull this mighty fish into the boat. Alas, Zaporizhzhian hasn’t won the contest, but agree it is sure a fishing success.