Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bored By Proud Idiots.

The most of people needs some reason to be proud of. They can’t do it in a silent way. If they are not proud of something, they feel like defective, it is clear that the others listen to nonsense talks like "here I am! I’m super cool and very successful "are bored and frustrated. And, that it the most disgusting thing when people are proud of something and insult the others, humiliate others, even those talking to them, exposing oneself the best boy/girl ever. I'm smart and all are morons , I’m athletic and all are fat freaks, I’m accurate and all are slovens , I'm rich and all are poor , I’m successful and all are losers ... Lord, how many times it will repeat again and again?!?!  Why an international master in weightlifting should be worse than a doctor of science or why a neat accountant should be better than an enthusiastic and bright artist?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

People Are Getting Dumber ...

People are getting dumber ... I still can’t understand what happened to the decent crowd of bloggers and why microblogging is such a miserable and boring thing. Do all degrade to plebeians? Do intellectual circles become so hermetic and fragmented? Where is the smart Internet in general?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Strange People.

Over the years, I become more and more truly amazed by people those “adrift” for years and then, getting on in years, are beginning to wonder why their dreams are not fulfilled, and why they do not have happiness. Ladies and gentlemen, if you refuse to build the lives yourselves, those build it for you will unlikely think about your happiness and your dreams…

Saturday, November 30, 2013

We Must Take The Responsibility.

Have you ever wondered why so many post-Soviet people often behave in the slavish way? Long life under totalitarianism destroyed a sense of ownership in them. They stopped to take any responsibility. That is why we all need to learn how to be maximal responsible. And when we will learn it fully, we teach the others.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Modern Savages

These people do not speak foreign languages, do not read, watch or listen anything serious they only consume. They are not religious, and far from folk traditions, but they are unable to accept atheism and atheistic philosophy, and modern views of the world seem excessive in freedom and wildness to them. Such people work "for show", they dream about Friday when on Monday. How then these people could have their own culture and civilization?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

One Of The Two.

One of the two. You control life or it controls you. If you're avoiding responsibility and decisions, sooner or later, someone will assume your responsibilities and your decisions and, therefore, you will be disqualified even from a deliberative vote. You’ll be just a puppet of someone. Don’t feel any fear to control the life, it's hard, but worth doing.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Resumed the work on the development of my system of self-improvement. Already there are some results those please me ... If everything works out, then I'll start to turn the experience in a book ...

Friday, November 8, 2013

I’m Sick Of This Coolness!

How am I tired of people those haven’t anything published, recorded or exposed, but consider themselves to be great writers, musicians and painters. I’m sick of this coolness! When all of these people will realize that intelligent and creative people in the XXI century, aren’t uncommon, and rare, only intelligent and creative people those have managed to create something clever or creative are?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

On Dreamers.

I do not know what's happening to me, but somehow I’ve noticed that there is a horde of dreamers in the ex-USSR. Moreover, if the dreamers of the West are doing something for the realization of their dreams, our dreamers just imagine the future success and already enjoy it. People are likely not stupid, but why they do not realize that in order to achieve at least some success, it is necessary not only to dream, but to act?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Russian March In Kyiv. What for?

One of the modern Ukraine paradoxes was the Russian march in Kyiv. It was difficult to explain why the Orthodox Christian radicals, those are low even in Russia, sang their hymns in Kiev. Passers-by looked at them as if they were aliens from Mars. But, for radicals, is important to be noticed. They do not care about the opinions of others at all. That is our reality.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Farewell To MyOpera

In May 2010, I began to use the social network MyOpera. During these three years, I met and talked with many people there. There I blogged actively. I had 66 friends there. Espen André Øverdahl reported that the March 1, 2014, this system of blogs and social network will cease to exist ... It is not the first major service that is gone forever, but the service I will miss ...

Why a literator doesn’t write?

There are usually three reasons for it: everything is all right conditions, pressure of  work, lack of vivid impressions and emotion. Any creative crisis is fiction. Anyone who complains about the creative crisis, just do not want to analyze why the muse has left him. If one creative or not is determined by his instincts and physical condition.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Some News

First issue. I finally figured out myself. I decided what I needed and how to achieve it. Of course, I have many problems, but I gradually resolve them. Already seen, as they say, the light at the end of the tunnel.

Second issue. Social networks and Twitter were too limited in features, so they disappointed me. So I come back to true blogging.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Glory To Independent Ukraine!

Glory to independent Ukraine!  / Cлава незалежній Україні! / Cлава независимой Украине! / Cлава незалежнай Украіне! / Slavă independent Ucraina!/ Zafer bağımsız Ukrayna!/ Слава независима Украйна!/ Dicsőség függetlenség Ukrajnában!/ Sława niepodległej Ukrainie!/ תהילת אוקראינה העצמאית!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Random Thoughts Salad

Ukrainian TV shows news about happy Ukrainian guest workers in Greece. What is the reason to do that?!?! Everyone tells you what he needs from you, but no one asks how he can help you ... It's nice that sometimes, people can revive the once successful projects. Many of our contemporaries compare late Roman Empire with modern Western Europe and the US. Do you think they are right? When I see a lot of people those dreams have failed to come true it is scary to me.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dying Off Nations?

I hear many talks about globalization and nations disappearing. They are everywhere in newspapers, on TV, in Internet, in radio broadcasts. Hundreds and thousands times people inform us about nations, languages and cultures deaths. Well, name me, please, a century or two when no nation disappeared? As for me we are in the most small nation friendly time. We live in time when slogan: “Unity in diversity” is widely applied.  Millions of people are interested in rare and exotic cultures… Millions of people are eager to study foreign languages and cultures.  Isn’t it a great environment to restore even half-forgotten customs and traditions? Do all of these small-nations-disappearing-thinkers think if someone speaks English he turns into an Englishman?   

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wise Joke About Problems

There is a good joke about problems. If you have no problems, check your pulse then. Don’t we complain too much? Don’t we think about our unhappiness too much? Well, we complain and think. Are we right? Sure, we aren’t! We must overcome the abundance of our thoughts and feelings and do what we must do. We must build our life, not wait someone to come and build it for us.  

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Some people I truly admire and love as a friend  are dead. Sometimes, I have a strange Cobain-style feeling : «I'm so happy, cause today I found my friends, they're in my head». I remember these people: their language, their appearance, their manners and characters ... They all were so different, so original, separate from me. But now they seem to live in me ... It's such a strange thing... Does  memory in old age finally turn from stories of victories and defeats to the spiritual variant of the cemetery?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fantasyfication And Glamourization Of Horror

It is no secret that some of the dark subculture elements are actively being joined to the mainstream. "Gothic" image for conformist one on Halloween, zombie parades, using of dark esthetics elements in the stage costumes and videos of pop stars, all this is just the beginning.

The climax is an attempt to attract some non-conformists to mainstream. The pioneers of dark and gothic subculture are imposed to admire for example a war of vampires and werewolves in a very fantasy-styled or glamorous manner. Even zombies suddenly become incredibly beautiful and even sentimental ... Look at these pictures ...