Monday, July 29, 2013

Random Thoughts Salad

Ukrainian TV shows news about happy Ukrainian guest workers in Greece. What is the reason to do that?!?! Everyone tells you what he needs from you, but no one asks how he can help you ... It's nice that sometimes, people can revive the once successful projects. Many of our contemporaries compare late Roman Empire with modern Western Europe and the US. Do you think they are right? When I see a lot of people those dreams have failed to come true it is scary to me.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dying Off Nations?

I hear many talks about globalization and nations disappearing. They are everywhere in newspapers, on TV, in Internet, in radio broadcasts. Hundreds and thousands times people inform us about nations, languages and cultures deaths. Well, name me, please, a century or two when no nation disappeared? As for me we are in the most small nation friendly time. We live in time when slogan: “Unity in diversity” is widely applied.  Millions of people are interested in rare and exotic cultures… Millions of people are eager to study foreign languages and cultures.  Isn’t it a great environment to restore even half-forgotten customs and traditions? Do all of these small-nations-disappearing-thinkers think if someone speaks English he turns into an Englishman?